“When you do the crime, you do the time. Ibori did his time for his crimes in the United Kingdom. I heard he was a model inmate but I saw no remorse in him when he exited the prisons. I expected him to enter Oghara quietly and issue a trite and penitent statement as a way to jumpstart his self-rehabilitation. He did none of these. Instead, he was smiling for the cameras, clenching his fists at times and waving at other times. Shame on Ibori, shame on those who hailed him and shame on all who have raped this country. Shame on all of you who set bad examples by taking advantage of your status and or position. Ibori has not answered for the crimes he committed in Nigeria. He must be made to answer. Ibori should be arrested. Nigeria must make an example of its anointed thieves or nothing will change.
Finally and for the record, a people or a culture without shame cannot stand. Nigeria’s shameless trajectory is a path to hell. No nation subsists this way. We must repudiate the Iboris in our midst. We must find our bearing and get back on track. The choice is simple and it is ours to make. We either find our way or we are lost.”
– Bamidele Ademola-Olateju, waxing apoplectic over the return of the great statesman of the Delta, Elder James Onanefe Ibori.
I of course agree with every word my good friend has written, as long as she allows a friendly amendment to the following:
“Finally and for the record, a people or a culture without shame cannot stand. Nigeria’s shameless trajectory is a path to hell. No nation subsists this way. We must repudiate the Iboris in our midst. We must find our bearing and get back on track. The choice is simple and it is ours to make. We either find our way or we are lost.”
to include Obasanjo and Tinubu, her favored thieves thusly:
“Finally and for the record, a people or a culture without shame cannot stand. Nigeria’s shameless trajectory is a path to hell. No nation subsists this way. We must repudiate the Iboris, the Tinubus and the Obasanjos in our midst. We must find our bearing and get back on track. The choice is simple and it is ours to make. We either find our way or we are lost.”
Mr. Ibori is head and shoulders better than all the thieves that our intellectuals are silent about. He served his time. The others are loitering around the place, stealing us blind every day and issuing position papers written by the same “intellectuals” that write us beautiful stuff like what you are about to read. We are in a very sad place, and it is a shame that people like Bamidele who loudly drove us into the ditch are continuing with this shameful selective outrage. It is time for all of us to confess our sins. Without it, the Iboris and the Tinubus and the Amaechis and the Obasanjos will continue to enjoy selfies with beautiful people like Bamidele. Na today? Nonsense.
Via PremiumTimes