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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

April Fools Day Pranks My Family Played On Me

So today I planned to trick my wife. But I wanted to get to work first. I planned to get at least twenty thousand from her to flex with since it was 1st of April.

But before I could even do it, my wife called me on phone. She told me she needed twenty thousand naira immediately to settle a pressing dept.

Hian… Pressing debt again?

“Baby I will pay you back. Please. Just send it to me. My apps are not working. The person just called me now.”

I sent her the money immediately.

Ten minutes later my Mother called me. She started telling me how a bank she banks with removed her ten thousand naira and how she is currently depressed.

“That money is money for my village meeting. It is our contribution.”

To make her happy I sent 15k to her.

At that moment I became depressed myself. I was sending money here and there when it wasn’t yet afternoon.

Then my father called me.

He didn’t even waste time.

He went straight to the point.

“Chidera, some boys have kidnapped me now as I am talking to you. They are asking for 100 thousand.”

The call ended and I saw an account number immediately. Followed by a text.

“Send the money to this number immediately. If you try anything funny, we would slice his throat.”

I called my mother. She appeared not to know what was happening or where my father was.

I stood up and decided to go home to meet my wife so we could see how to settle this problem.

When I got to the door of my house I heard my wife asking my father.

“Has he sent you the money?”

My father responded.

“No. But he will send it. Let me call him now and tell him they want to cut my left leg.”

My mother disagreed.

“No. Wait for like 30 minutes before you do this thing. I will be the one to tell him they want to cut your leg and we need the money.”

I peeped through the key hole and saw my younger sister standing.

“Daddy, let us just tell Chidera that they have kidnapped the whole family and we need 200k.”

Me standing at the door:👇🏽

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