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Friday, October 18, 2024

Slut Shaming Women

In the words of a very close friend of mine, “you can be anything in life, just do not be an arsehole” you can be homophobic, racist, tribalist anything. Just make sure you are not an arsehole about it. 

I live in a society where culture is being replaced by religion. Folks are Christian and Muslims (I find the traditionalists kinds unique) culturally. They are Christian mostly because of where they are from and what kind of parents they have. They attend church services because it has become a culture and not because they want to build a relationship with their God which is what I think religion should be. 

I might be naive but to me, religion should be about man reaching out to who he serves and buiding a better religion between them via the teachings and ways of life of that Entity he serves but when you do it because “thats what we do”, it is weird. I mean, you serve God because you have to not because you love him. You see Christians attend church service because they ask “what else do I do on a sunday morning?” Or “how can I leave the house without praying?” I mean praying before leaving is nice but he is not doing it to comit his day to God, he is doing it because his parents did and he is now. That has replaced believe and has turned into a habit, a culture which you necessarily dont believe. 

A friend once said he is sure low key, some pastors are atheists. I dont argue that becsuse sometimes you hear someone preach and you ask yourself if that person really beieves what he is saying. 

So welcome to the month of August. Finally July has passed with its wahala(which was numerous) and this beautiful beautiful month is here. Okay, this weekend was unusually long for me, maybe because I was counting down to it passing away or something but it was agonizing. These two boys got that loan they applied for, they got the money while I was ill, about 100k and well, I dont even want to ask what they did with it (cos it is gone) I am just looking at the both of them and thinking of the likely future senarios. 

Got into an arguement with a neighbor yesterday who seems to believe that all women have a weak spot for every man that they have had a relationship with before based on his experience with the women he has met and those he has seen. This dragged on for a while and even though I was defending women and telling him he cannot judge all women by the actions of the few he has met, I think I lost the arguement because 
1. I got bored and tired in the end
2. He is judged to have had a “colorful” past hence is more knowledgable than me. 

So now the male hoes are the ones passing judgment on the women due to their own deceptive and crazy lies. I keep giving up on the world. 

Ithink it did more when a certain guy begged and cajoled a girl into bed ony for him to call her a “fat bitch_” after sex. How does that happen? 

How do you sleep with a woman and then come to slut shame her? Does that not mean you yourself are something between not having taste and a male hoe? 
How does a man who is patronizing a prostitute go out to insult prostitutes, I mean, what does that make him? 
Maybe my head is not screwed on tightly enough or the world is just sick with a fever

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