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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Five Creative And Effective Ways To Find A Good Job In Nigeria.

Are you looking for ways to get a job in Nigeria? Ok, you have posted and applied for all available jobs on several Nigerian job websites like jobberman, carrersng, myjobmag, Nairaland job vacancy section. You have even followed up several HRs with calls and networked till your shoes are almost worn out. Every Sunday you take several newspapers and apply for jobs in your field, but nothing yet to show for it.
I will want to assume that it is not yet your time, which I strongly doubt. Maybe you should take a look at your CV again By Clicking Here to FIX it. But if you assume that your CV’s are good to go alongside your cover letter then let’s look at the Guerilla methods that can get you a job in Nigeria before the year runs out.
Send Half of your Resume
Find a company you intend to work for. Write a SUPER cover letter on why they should give you a chance, pointing them to check out your resume. Don’t seal the envelope and don’t add any resume to the envelope. They’ll assume that the resume fell out off the envelope. Make sure you attach your number to the cover letter. It is 90% certain that they will call you for an interview – i.e if such a position needs someone to come in. When you are finally called, SELL yourself shamelessly and with all vigor.
Make use of Direct Mail
Make use of the power of direct mails – I don’t mean Emails. Emails can be trashed with ease, but a direct mail has the power to be treated with respect. Locate up to 5 companies you wish to work for. Look for a contact in your network and ask them if they know anyone who works in any of the firms you listed out. If they give out the names, collect permission to forward your resume via email and always mention your contact in the cover letter.
Use the Power of E-mail Chain Letter
Create a list of up to 20 companies you intend to work for and send an email to everyone you know, requesting to know if any of them knows someone who works in those firms. Ask them to contact you if they know someone so that you can ask for referrals. Finally, you can also ask them to forward the emails to 10 more people to their own contacts. Please don’t do this if you are currently employed – I guess you know the reason.
Distribute a Booklet
Write a booklet – electronically or otherwise with relevant information about your industry.
E.g. “Why Guerilla marketing is good for businesses with a small budget” I am a salesperson, so this relates to my industry.
Everyone loves free information, and this also demonstrates your expertise. This helped me get my last job, and it has been wonderful. Give the booklet away electronically or through other means. You can also advertise it to newsgroups where HRs personnel can see it. If you do this properly, it will help you get a job in Nigeria.
Call Human Resource Managers on Phone
Does it sound crazy? You should know that desperate time calls for desperate measures. Pick up the phone, call the Human resource department. You can ask them what outside agency or third party or recruiting firm they use.
They will surely ask you why you want to know. Pitch your skills. Remind them that since they are not recruiting now that you are available, can they recommend any competitor that might need your expertise?
The idea is to create value for you and help you get a job in Nigeria.
FREE TIP: Make sure you rehearse what to say before calling anyone on your list – it helps to make you deliver a smooth sales pitch.
To achieve all these, you must have a well-designed CV and your cover letter must be of the highest quality. If not, you might just end up making motions with no movement. To get a job in Nigeria, you must be ready to work hard for it, unless you have the popular “connections”.
See you in my next article. Remember to subscribe for more articles like this. Remember to share to your friends.

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