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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Why Traveling Out (Japa) Will Always Be Better Than Staying In Nigeria With ₦40m

Before I start, I’ll like to say I will forever be pro japa. Here are reasons why 40M in Nigeria isn’t still the best option to japa. This is my own opinion.

1. Healthcare – Free in some countries like where I live. For context, I fell very ill early last year and almost passed, got treatment and thought all was fine. Fast forward, I have been falling ill and recently became really bad. Ran all the tests known to man for free and figured out what was wrong. Turns out Nigeria never treated it properly and it was recurring. This time it was almost deadly. I didn’t pay a dime for these or the drugs. This one is country based so will differ from country to country.

2. Career Access- The spring and elevation my career has experienced since leaving, would have taken me 10 years to achieve in Nigeria and this is even with me maybe having connections or just plain favour from God. Outside, none of these mattered, my credentials and my abilities spoke for me and got me a role I could only have ever dreamed of. Nigeria and its 40M won’t get me that, even if I managed to get 40M. Look at my bio, I’ve been singing for over 20 years, yet in another man’s land I have received awards and recognition above even the actual owners of the land. Nigeria didn’t give me that, my voice and only my voice spoke for me.

3. Kids – Everyone wants to give their kids a better life, better education etc. Nigeria has a handful schools that can rival foreign trained schools and this is even if your 40M can pay the fees for those schools. Let’s not even mention connections from your kids schooling in certain schools. 40M in Nigeria won’t give you that. Your kids already will struggle to measure up to their counterparts outside. Most recently there were talks of placing the age for getting into University at 18, meaning the average child will finish school at 24. When their counter parts already started life earlier and are way ahead. Try searching for global opportunities for 25 year olds, not that much.

4. Quality of Life – For the first time in my time here, they took light for about an hour. Sent messages explaining and in an hour it was back. Buses arrive when they’re supposed to, people are held accountable for their jobs. I can wake up today and walk into any park and get a seat and chill. I once tweeted the view from my living room and it went viral. To afford that apartment continuously in Nigeria will be almost impossible but guess what it’s still not regarded as luxury here. You just live in one of the Condos. I could travel on a whim and actually see the world without breaking the bank. Try paying for flight for you and your family of 4 and see where that 40M gets to.

5. Growth – The average 30 year old well earning young person in Nigeria is most probably still figuring out rent and how to afford basic things continuously. The average 30 year old outside is figuring out how to buy a house or a car or invest. It’s clear and glaring. Nigeria takes from you precious years meant to be spent growing.  By the time you even get to the point where you have enough to begin to think of investing etc. you’re probably in your 40’s this is if the economy even stays a bit stable.

I attended a picnic recently of young Nigerians and I was so happy seeing them come down from their “big” cars with their wives and kids, these men are in their early 30’s and I was happy. It’s growth and progress no longer survival. Most young people in Nigeria are surviving not living.

There are many more advantages but in the end do what is best for you. Indeed some people in Nigeria are better off than people outside, but this isn’t the norm or the average story. I will always be pro japa.

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