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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Genesis Of CeeC Vs Alex Beef/Rivalry

“She has a lot of fans that somebody left because of their attitude, and instead of going back to reflect on how bad their attitude has been, they blame either the men or the other girl for it.” ~ Alex.

This is the actual statement made by Alex yesterday that has made its rounds in all kinds of distorted formats..

Regardless of how many contortions of this statement makes it out to the public, it matters not to me.

I INSIST that Alex has every right to hold this opinion and I will tell you why.

Let’s go back to Alex’s season and the crux of the Cece Vs Alex Rivalry.

It all boils down to a man named Tobi.

Cece and Tobi were warming up to being an item. They even kissed at some point.. But they kept having issues.

Fights upon Fights..
Disagreements upon disagreements.

While Cece and Tobi liked each other romantically, Alex and Tobi were friends in the house.

Many times Alex got drawn in to settle their squabbles and on many of those occasions, she spoke with her friend -Tobi, in defence of Cece.

But Cece got increasingly disagreeable and brash as is her attitude, and Tobi who is a much calmer personality and couldnt match Cece’s vile began to build resentment and would sometimes unburden his frustration in closed circles seeing as every conversation with Cece led to a war.

This finally led to the fight of all fights, where Cece was so triggered that she unleashed every venom known to man on Tobi and whatever was left of a salvageable relationship went straight to hell.

Ofcourse, Cece’s fall out with Tobi did not interfer with Tobi’s friendship with Alex and as is the case in such circumstances, with Cece out of the way, Tobi and Alex naturally grew closer.

Rather than focus on the attitude of their fave or the object of her grieviances (ie Tobi) , Cece and her fans focused all of their bile energy on Alex ( ie the other woman) and spewed all manner of bile, hate and venom on this girl, it was unbelievably toxic.

Even after the show, at a club outing, Cece fans locked Alex up in a toilet and left her traumatized, that is how bad it got.

Alex received all kinds of threats and hate messages.

It was once again the case of do not hold the man accountable, but rather hate on the woman he left you for.

Cece did not do this alone.. she did it powered by the full weight of her fans and she never asked her fans to pull back.

Alex bore the brunt and experienced the full weight and effect of that hate on her own, first hand.

So when I say that Alex has exclusive and abundant rights, to hold the opinion she shared.

I am saying that Alex SAID WHAT SHE SAID with her full chest and I endorse it for her.

Cece fans, use your tongue to count your teeth.

Did Alex lie against you?

Was there any basis for your collective and concerted hate against this young lady outside of Man?

You said she took your fave’s man and you hated her for it.

So what is the difference between what she said and what y’all did?

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