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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How To Maintain Focus

Yesterday, I noticed a long convoy of cars along Owerri – PortHarcourt road, and I noticed something remarkable as they moved in harmony.

Each car in the convoy stayed close to the one in front of it, not allowing any other vehicle to break their formation. It was clear that they were all heading to the same destination, maintaining their pace and sharing one vision.

As I stood there, I realised that this is exactly how a team should operate, united with one purpose and one destination. It struck me that a single car cannot form a convoy, just as one person cannot create a truly successful business alone.

So many businesses operate with a solo mentality, where the owner or leader is the team, only him wants to get to the desired destination, and everyone else is just there for a paycheck. I pity those businesses because they miss the profound power of a united team.

Now, think about the convoy pilot. They lead the movement, choose the route, set the pace, and ensure the convoy enjoys a smooth journey. A good business leader should do the same, guide the team, set clear directions, and ensure everyone moves together towards the same vision and goal.

The convoy pilot’s role is vital. They must be trusted by the other drivers to obey the convoy rules and lead effectively. In a business, trust between the leader and the team is fundamental. Leaders must earn trust by being transparent, consistent, and fair. When the team trusts the leader, they are more willing to follow, even through challenging times.

Within the convoy, each car supports the others, ensuring no one is left behind. This is the essence of teamwork. In your business, encourage the culture of collaboration rather than competition. Team members should support each other, share knowledge, and work together towards common goals.

A convoy requires constant communication and coordination. Clear and open communication is essential to ensure everyone is on the same page and any issues are promptly addressed. Good communication prevents misunderstandings and keeps the team aligned.

Amateur drivers don’t join convoys because each driver is well-trained, skilled and committed. Similarly, businesses thrive when they invest in their people. Offer opportunities for growth and development. When team members feel supported, they are more engaged and motivated.

Sometimes, the convoy may need to change routes due to unforeseen circumstances. Likewise, a team should be adaptable, ready to pivot and adjust strategies as needed while still keeping the end goal in sight.

I believe we need to think like a convoy, united, purposeful, and supportive. By building a strong, cohesive team, we can navigate any business road and reach our destination together.

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