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Monday, September 16, 2024

How PiggyVest Increased Sales Using Storytelling


The algorithm has been shocking me recently, but it got nothing on me this week. We move!!!

So this is a new week, I thought to give you a new angle to storytelling that you can use to increase your sales this week.

Just imagine your business page driving in lots of organic traffic. Like you have thousands of people waiting for you to post so they can binge on your content like Netflix.

This is the dream of every online business. You have like 100k people who visit your page on a daily basis to check out the latest content you’ve posted, and you’re only able to convert 10% of those people into paying customers.

This was what PiggyVest were able to achieve when they brought in a content strategist by name Daniel Orubo.

He had worked in Zikoko Writers with one of the founders of PiggyVest. They knew his abilities, they gave him the freedom to explore different content types for the growth of their business.

Daniel came up with an innovative storytelling angle, where he interviews Nigerians on their daily struggles with managing money, he then converted these interviews into a series called My Money Mistake.

He affirms that this storytelling series has converted more than any other content they had on their site or socials.

It kept people in suspense, and waiting for when the next one would be out.

This content strategy was part of the weapon that made PiggyVest one of the most successful fintechs in Nigeria.

To give you context, PiggyVest grew from paying out N242 billion to users in 2021 to N400 billion in 2022, bringing their total payout volume to N1.1 trillion.

Pamtech also had their own storytelling angle.

When other mechanics in Owerri were doing corrective mechanics, they set out to do preventive mechanics.

While other mechanics wanted to repair or correct faults in your car. They set out to teach how you can keep your car on the road by telling stories around preventive measures.

An account that started from having 1k followers in one year, and getting to 10k followers in the second year. Today they’re at 500k followers on their Facebook page.

They got here, by telling relatable stories that seek to entertain, inform, and educate their audience.

And you’ll agree with me that Pamtech is making sales.

So what can you do differently this week to keep your audience
coming back to your page?

  1. Can you start a series on any hot topic that’s related to the struggles of your audience?
  2. Can you start telling us stories based on case studies but it should be aligned to the pain or pleasure point of your audience?
  3. Can you start telling us success stories of your customers, before and after they’ve used your products?
  4. Can you start telling us products led stories? These are narratives that your products can fit into.

I need to stop here! Implement and see how your sales will improve.

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