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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Can You Get Pregnant While Using Withdrawal Method?

Withdrawal method also known as the Pull out method or coitus interruptus is a form of birth control where the male partner withdraws his penis from the vagina before Ejaculation.

This method is simple and costs nothing but it’s effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is questionable and varies significantly.

What to know about the Withdrawal method

To use withdrawal method correctly, the male partner must have the self-control and awareness to withdraw completely before ejaculation.

This requires precise timing and understanding of one’s body which can be challenging even for experienced individuals. Mistakes can happen easily especially under the influence of alcohol or stress, leading to a higher risk of pregnancy.

Effectiveness Of withdrawal method

The effectiveness of withdrawal method varies. When used perfectly, it can be about 96% effective, meaning 4 out of 100 couples will get pregnant within a year. However, typical use which accounts for mistakes and imperfect timing drops it’s effectiveness to around 78%. This means approximately 22 out of 100 couples relying on this method will become pregnant each year.

Risk and considerations

One major risk with the withdrawal method is the presence of pre-ejaculate fluid also known as Pre cum. This fluid contains sperm, albeit in smaller quantities than semen but still enough to cause pregnancy if it enters the vagina.

Moreover, semen can come into contact with the vulva or upper thighs and still potentially lead to pregnancy since sperm are excellent swimmers and can find their way into the vagina.

Pros and Cons

The withdrawal method has some benefits such as no side effects, no need for prescription and maintaining the spontaneity of sex. However, it places the entire responsibility on the male partner and offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The stress of ensuring timely withdrawal can also make sex less enjoyable and more anxiety inducing for both partners.

Getting better results

Combining the withdrawal method with other forms of contraception can reduce the risk of pregnancy.

Using condoms along with withdrawal not only provides better protection against pregnancy but also protects against STIs. Emergency contraception such as the morning-after pill, is another backup option if semen accidentally enters the vagina.


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