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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Madam Vera Anyim And Dunamis Debacle

Congratulations to Madam Vera Anyim for concluding an academic journey she started in 2014 this past week, almost ten years after. Despite the setbacks, she has shown that resilience and determination defy age when you are committed to achieving your goal. And being the first graduate from her father’s and mother’s sides at her age is an inspiration.

Three people in their fifties in the university joined young ones like us to attend lectures, write lesson notes and undertake quizzes while managing their businesses and caring for their children. It was a tough ride for them but they made it.

I watched her Thanksgiving video at Dunamis church and saw a woman who was grateful for what God had done in her life. If you started a project in 2014 and finished it in 2024, you will have stories to tell why it took that long. I used “Thanksgiving” because nothing in her story showed signs of a miracle or extraordinary happening. I saw a woman who was dogged and determined to finish school.

I will address her use of English later on in this piece when I talk about NOUN.

Dr Paul Enenche, in case many do not know, recently came under heavy criticism on social media that his church was staging miracles. His reaction and repeatedly re-echoing that fake testimonies or miracles are not accepted in his church shows a man willing to uphold what he believes is an excellent spiritual standard for the church.

Did he use the best choice of words? No. Was he empathetic in his approach? No. However, for a man who has come under scrutiny for what people say in his church as testimonies, I understand why he was quick to point out the flaws in Madam Vera’s story. Hopefully, now it is clear she attended the university and graduated, he will reach out publicly or privately to the woman.

The National Open University was set up with the idea of helping busy individuals who didn’t have the time to attend full-time programmes at regular higher institutions of learning. The idea was that they would attend school and take care of their business, a perfect way to democratise academic learning and enlightenment for everyone, regardless of age.

However, it seems the management of NOUN needs to introspect their academic content and how it is being delivered. LLB or BSC may appear to be the same thing, but so is Martin and Paul; they are names. The distinction in names is there for a purpose, and those in education management should uphold the two cardinal points of “Character and learning” both for their staff and graduates. Recently changing the title after the public uproar reeks of academic and administrative recklessness.

I listened to Madam Vera, and I understood everything she said. Her delivery or mastery of the English language is a continuous effort; sometimes, people learn to write a language before speaking. It was the same when I started learning Spanish.

I hope she continues to improve and make the best of her career.

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