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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mercy Should Have Protected Ilebaye From Ike

You know what is so funny..

While Mercy was wasting her time calling a loyal friend like Doyin, a betrayer to Ilebaye..she has failed to evaluate herself and her own game properly.

If there is anybody in this game surrounded by £v!l backstabbers, prepared to betray at a moments notice, that person is Mercy.

Ike is here working tirelessly against Mercy. His primary aim is to ensure that Mercy does not win the money, winning the show is a secondary aim for him.

Venita & Seyi are not here for Mercy. They envy the fact that Mercy won their season and the success Mercy bagged from the fame and endorsements her win afforded her, they will sabotage Mercy without a 2nd thought.

Frodd is here to go as far as he can on this game, and he thinks that his closeness to Mercy increases his chances of being here to the end.

The only person who doesn’t give a sh!t is Angel, because she rode to top 6 in her own season organically, without any help or influence from anybody..

She is the only one with nothing to gain or lose from Mercy and she doesn’t look at Mercy like an opportunity… Besides, she didn’t even want to come on the show this season, it was Mercy who pleaded for her to come..

But Mercy continues to fraternise with her pepperdem stars, and she prioritises them, but they will be Mercy’s downfall.

What Ike did to Ilebaye yesterday drastically increased Baye’s ratings and worked in the reverse for Mercy, as it decreased Mercy’s ratings.

And the decrease in Mercy’s ratings has nothing to do with Ike but everything to do with Mercy’s stewpeedity.

When Mercy won HOH, I was super excited. I said to myself that the game player is in the building and in charge of the reigns.. now let the game begin.

I expected that Mercy came on the show this season with a unique next level game strategy and will bag this win with a Boss mindset and Boss energy!!

Little did I know that it is this basic beessshh energy of tossling with a 21yr old for shine, highlights and spotlight…that we will be getting from a woman at Mercy’s level.

What nonsense is this?

When Mercy was told by Seyi about what Ike did to Ilebaye, she should have been outraged.

She should have taken it seriously and protected that little girl.

She should have got everyone involved and called a house meeting.

She should have insisted that it is not right. It is bullying, it is provocation and it is intolerable and such acts will not be tolerated in her reign as HOH..

This would have boosted her ratings tremendously..

But Mercy is so hell bent on protecting the pepperdem 5.

She is more interested in being loyal to her disloyal pepperdem day 1s, than standing up for what is right.

She will rather be in their good books than speak up against extreme acts of bullying..

She thinks she needs their loyalty and their support to thrive.. but she is wrong.

These pepper dem housemates will be the death of Mercy because they either want to destroy her, exploit her or take the win instead of her..

They will switch on her at the slightest provocation. They will be unreasonable and make thoughtless demands of her. They would hold all kinds of favours and emotional blackmail over her head. They will act inappropriately and expect that she stays in support of their actions.

The errant Ike will not stop doing cringe-worthy things and she’d have to smile through it, make excuses for him and keep his confidence to keep herself on his good side.

By so doing, she would come off desperate, void of compassion and scruples..

All of the goodwill she has built with the much she has invested in her image would begin to diminish drastically..

Its a brand new game and I had hoped Mercy came here with a unique strategy, I didnt know that she came to hide in the turmoil of her pepperdem bubble, to ride her way to victory..

That bubble will most definitely be bursted and Mercy would have no choice but to show us her real face by the time this show is over.

Mercy, whatever you stand for in this show, will be held against you beyond this show. That is for certain.

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