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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

8 Possible Reasons Ringworms Keep Attacking Your Child

Ringworm, despite its name is not caused by worms but rather by a fungal infection that can affect the skin, scalp or nails.

It’s common condition among children often causing circular, red, itchy patches on the skin.

If your child have reoccurring ringworm, several factors could be contributing to it.

1. Close Contact with Infected Individuals

Ringworm is highly contagious and can spread through direct skin-skin contact with an infected person or animal.

Children often come into close contact with others in schools, playgrounds, and daycare centres, thereby increasing their risk of exposure.

2. Sharing personal items

Sharing personal items like combs, hats and sports equipment can spread ringworm Children may unknowingly use or share these items, facilitating the transfer of fungal spores that cause the infection.

3. Poor Hygiene practices

Inadequate hand washing or not showering after activities that involves sweating can create an environment where fungi thrive. Encouraging proper hygiene habits can significantly reduce the risk of ringworm.

4.Warm And Humid Environment

Fungi responsible for ringworm thrive in warm, moist environment. Children who participate in sports or activities that involves sweating are more susceptible, same thing applicable to those living I humid environment

5. Compromised immune system

Children with weakened immune system due to conditions like diabetes or certain medications maybe more prone to infection including ringworm. Ensuring your child maintains a healthy diet and lifestyle can boost their immune response.

6. Pets and animals

Pets particularly cats and dogs can carry ringworm. Regular grooming and veterinary care for pets can help reduce the risk of transmission to children.

7. Prolonged exposure to water

Activities such as swimming or playing in the water for extended periods can increase the likelihood of contracting ringworm especially if proper drying and hygiene practices are not followed afterwards.

8. Previous Infection

If ringworm was not completely treated during a previous Occurence, residual fungal spores can remain dormant and cause a  reoccurence when conditions are favourable.

Prevention And Treatment

To prevent recurrent ringworm infection in children, emphasise good hygiene practices, discourage sharing personal items, keep pets clean and treated for infections and promptly treat any suspected infections with antifungal medications as prescribed by a healthcare provider.


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