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Sunday, September 8, 2024

5 Facts About Ovulation Every Woman Trying To Conceive Should Know

There are Important facts about Ovulation every woman who intends to get pregnant should know.
Below are 5 facts about Ovulation every woman needs to know;

1. Your Sexual Desires Increases During Ovulation.

A woman’s desire for sex Increases rapidly during ovulation. When a woman is most fertile her libido rises.

2. If You Want To Get Pregnant, Healthy Ovulation Is The Key.

Most women feel they can get pregnant just because they are Ovulation but that is actually wrong. Because you’re Ovulating isn’t a guarantee you would get pregnant. What is key to getting pregnant is healthy ovulation.

3. You Should Have Sex Before Your Ovulation If You Are Trying To Conceive.

It is Important sex comes before and after ovulation if you are trying to get pregnant. The ovulated eggs needs to be fertilized within the first 12-24hours after it is released. So it is Important you have sex before Ovulating so the sperm would be ready and waiting for the egg. Sperm can remain viable for up to 5days.

4. The Number Of Eggs In The Ovaries Decreases With Time.

Most women think their body create new eggs monthly but that is wrong. A woman is born with all the eggs She will ever have and there are about 2million eggs at birth and number drops to around 500,000 when a woman reaches puberty. This is why women over the age of 35 have a higher risk of experiencing Infertility and miscarriage.

5. Your Health Habits Affect Your Eggs.

It is Important to Know a woman’s Health Habits can have an effect on her ability to get pregnant and stay Pregnant. It can also affect the future baby’s Health. Folic acid is an Important nutrients for a woman trying to convince as low levels can Increase the risk of Miscarriage and birth defects.

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