You Are Nothing In The Grand Scheme Of Things


Look at this photo very well.

See the yellow patch?

It is called the Laniakea Super-cluster, a collection of galaxies close enough to exert its own unique shape and force.

Yes, not a collection of stars, but a collection of GALAXIES.

Our own Milky Way Galaxy  is a member of this super-cluster.

Look at that red dot.

Our own Milky Way, which has 100 BILLION stars like our Sun, and which will take 100,000 years to traverse if you were travelling at light speed, is just that red dot.

Our Milky Way is just a dot in a supercluster which contains 100,000 other galaxies.

Meanwhile there are 10 million superclusters in the Universe that we can see.

That we can see.

According to the laws of cosmic inflation, the Universe that we cannot see, is 156,000,000,000,000,000,000 times what we currently see.

Then, even that whole Universe may have other Universes beside it.

Yet, inside this dot below, there is a dot within that dot, which also has a dot within it, which has its own dot, and another dot inside, somewhere on third mainland bridge somebody is asking “do you know who I am?”

Bros, you are nothing.


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