Runtown Should Have Shaved His Armpit Hairs


On Calabar Carnival.

Runtown knew he was going to take off his shirt during his performance. The least he could have done was to shave his armpit.

That being said, kudos to all the artistes who actually sing live on stage, not lip sync. Tuface, Burna, Psquare( before dem kolo), Flavour, Johnny Drille, Beautiful Nubia and a few others. Those guys make live performances a beauty to watch. You just want to hug them.

I watched Sunny Nneji the other day at the Carnival fashion fiesta. He sang live all through and you could see the reason why he was a force in his time. Even l got up to dance when he invited Kate Henshaw to join him on stage.

Runtown is not only lip syncing to his own music, he has just been jumping, waving his hand and shouting “Are you ready? Are you ready? One, two, three, everybody sing.” He is doing that more than the lip syncing even. Na him be the artist wey dem pay to perform but na crowd dey sing pass am.

This is the first time l am watching him perform on stage. Going by what l have seen so far, here is what l think. There is no disputing the fact that he has really nice songs but to be frank, his stage presence right now sucks. Even the home based Calabar artistes that l have seen perform at this festival, have better crowd appeal and stage presence than he does. If he was not an established name in the industry, maybe na pure water dem for use stone am comot from stage.

Looking at his armpit, l am wondering. Why didn’t anyone remind him to shave? Or maybe taking off his shirt was not part of the plan?

You know that meme that flies around every Valentine’s eve, of someone shaving their privates, even when telling themselves that there won’t be a conjugal meet and greet? “Hmmm! I am not going to do o, but let me just shave in case. The spirit is willing but God you know the flesh is weak.”

That is what Runtown should have thought. “I am not going to take off my shirt o, but let me just shave in case the hype gets too much and l need to go hyper.”

Waving a hair filled armpit in our faces is a tad distasteful. Abi he wants to grow his armpit hair into an afro like he has done the hair on his head?