Know When To Apply The Pareto Principle In Your Work


Let me tell you some’n quickly.

See this babe in the picture? Her name is Zara Dar  and she’s a very good STEM teacher. She has a YouTube channel where she actively teaches math principles and machine learning using the most practical methods.

Like: she breaks everything down and practically shoves the knowledge into your head by force.

The way she breaks them down, especially machine learning topics, you’ll know she has deep understanding of the first principles. No be cho cho cho .

She has two degrees – Computer Science and Bioengineering.

Was well on her way into getting a PhD when…

She pulled out suddenly and opened an OnlyFans page.

Her reason was simple and very valid : academic pursuits do not pay on the long run. She dun hustle. Was owing so much on college fees. Was barely managing to feed herself after the small stipend her school gave her for her research work.

Even the STEM YouTube channel wasn’t paying much because this generation would prefer to be on TikTok watching other things.

She was struggling and that was when she noticed that many of the guys who were viewing her videos on YouTube, rather than focusing on Maths and programming were admiring her beauty and face.

Somehow, she got the idea that if she opened an OF and wore more revealing clothes in her videos,  she would reach a wider audience.

The plan worked and selling semi-noods became her side hustle. A side hustle that has paid her over $1m in the past year. Paid her $40K in the first few days. Ten times more than the miserly $4,000 she was managing per month from academia.

She’s out of debt.
Was able to buy a car.
Move into a better place.

She is still actively creating STEM content on YouTube and Only fans, but she has found a way to create a rich blend of visuals for people who came for “knowledge” and also for people who came for “cleavage”.

Make hunger no kpai am.

See, there is something called the “Pareto principle”. And it proposes that no matter as you hustle reach, come 2025 , only 20% of your hustle will be up to 80% fruitful.

Meaning, only 20% of your hustle will yield almost all of your profit. Rich people understand this, so they keep looking for that 20% . That 20% is called “LEVERAGE” .

That 20% is the reason for the past 2 years, I have consistently achieved my financial goals at least four months before the year runs out.

This babe spends so much time, creating videos on tough topics, breaking her topics down to the simplest terms.

But merely opening a few buttons on her blouse or not wearing a bra, does the trick and makes her good money.