Hear me well, this is not a liability! The Mercedes Benz G wagon as far as I know, would never go out of fashion.
Forget the staged caricatures you’ve seen a couple of people make of the Vehicle on Social media. If they like, let them use the G wagon to pack up pig wastes and grasses, it still won’t go into extinction. Its iconic crown would always be there.

Now, cutting to the chase, it has to be understood that the G wagon happens to be among the top ten most valued Vehicles of all times.
A good millionaire with a beautiful head over his shoulder can actually become a multi-millionaire or even billionaire from owning a G wagon.
I saw a post that compared the Mercedes Benz 911 truck to the G wagon as being more resourceful. Yeah, such assertion would be right if the owner of the G wagon drives it for just fun.
Anyone who buys a G wagon for rentals would definitely buy another within a year of operation.
What most of us don’t understand here is that most of the celebrities we worship online are soaked up in fake life!
Some of the ‘big’ boys you see posing on the roofs of G wagons actually don’t own them. If we begin to check them up thoroughly, we might discover some of them wearing ‘boxers’ damned by crickets and cockroaches!
Low self esteem and peer pressure is what is dealing with most of us youngsters.
So, if a smart Joe who understands business, buys a vehicle like the G wagon for rentals, he’ll be making cool cash from these guys who live by borrow posing. But the climax of it all, is that some of the borrow-pose guys you’re now laughing at, are also into smart businesses. I’ve seen someone renting a big Car to cash out big from a huge contract. This however, has its own side effects too!
It’s a different kettle of fish if you just spend 500k or more renting a Vehicle just to oppress ‘young-young’ girls and boys.
Do you even know how much a single G wagon can rake up in a month if rented out?
Don’t come here to argue about maintenance cost. It’s not as if the rent boys use them for forest tours. Even if they do, the losses are still on them.
Now, you’ve saved up to 1.5 million and wondering if it could even buy you a fair Car, worry less. Slide into my dm let’s sort it out but please, by in mind that I charge mobilization fee to embark on the hunts.
Lest I forget, I sincerely appreciate the kind gestures from some of my loving friends here. Since yesterday, we’ve been able to raise 32k for the laptop. I personally have 50k and that leaves us still searching for 118k. If you really love what I do here, you can donate whatever you have from your good heart so I’ll get the laptop for my works here. Thanks in advance. My account details are in the comments section.
~ Victor SN Okeworo