A Day At The Mechanic Village


Anything can happen to you when you spend your day at the mechanic village. Or put more seriously, they can sell anything to you at a mechanic village and if you are the sort who has the roving eyes, you will soon end up bankrupt.

Right from the entrance of Kugbo mechanic village, hustlers would hassle you. ” Oga something is moving behind your vehicle, you need to fix it, I get am.”

Of course, it is in your best interest to ignore, but not for long. A boy told me my horn is not ‘horning’ enough, he has trailer horn. ” In this Abuja, this your car needs trailer horn, I have it, I will give you discount.”

But it’s not only the vultures who are after your car that would tempt you, others are there.

As I sat down relaxing, a boy suddenly came up with the brilliant idea that I need a  new pair of boxers. ” Big big size for you,” he cried and proceeded to wrap one around my neck.

A sock seller came. Then one woman called me in excitement, she wanted to discuss a very important matter. I moved closer.

” I have goat meat pepper soup with rice and agidi,” she whispered. I didn’t know whether to extend a slap here or throw a blow there.

But that was not all. An ireke seller came and cut  a chunk for me. He said tasting does not cost money and it will convince me to buy a full stick of sugar cane at a little cost of N3000.

After two hours I was tired. Of unsolicited goods and brought out The Incredible Dreams of Garba Dakaskus by Umar Abubakar Sidi.I began to read or pretend to read as I did not understand the incredible things written in that book.

Suddenly , I saw a man’s shadow in front of me. He was holding several eye glasses. “Sir, sir,” he called to me in ernest.

” Eye glasses, eye glasses for reading,” he cried. That was when I knew the world has gone mad.