6 Of My Favorite WWE Storylines


One thing I admire most about WWE is their storytelling.

Most times, they never missed it in that aspect.

Some examples I can give are:

1. The Undertaker and Kane story.

Kane and Undertaker

They told us they were brothers. Every single person that watched WWE believed these two were brothers.

We all believed that Kane was the brother who set the family’s house on fire and killed everyone but survived with a burnt face…and Undertaker(who wasn’t home the day Kane set the house on fire) believed everyone was dead, including Kane.

He only got to find out not just that Kane was alive but he was the one responsible for the death of their family.

Now, he was angry at Kane and out for vengeance while Kane sought to destroy him too, believing Undertaker took everything away from him.

Undertaker became known as The Dead Man while Kane who survived being burnt alive, was known us The devil’s favourite demon.

Even with their feuds, they still protected one another and became known as The Brothers of Destruction.
Two brothers who don’t eye to eye but protect one another against the whole world.

Peak storytelling!!

2. Bald Randy Orton

Randy Orton

This was the representation of evil itself. He cared less about anyone or anything but himself.
Bald Randy Orton was so evil that he could even kick a day old baby in the skuII and won’t feel a thing in his heart.

He didn’t even have a heart. He was evil personified. Not a nickname or anything, he was literally evil itself.

And Randy Orton played that character so well that in real life, he barely broke out of it too.

3. The Shield

The Shield

Three individuals, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns who came together to say enough is enough to the corruption going on in the wrestling universe, so they decided to become Justice themselves and put an end to corruption the way they saw fit…even if it made them the villains.

The beautiful part of this storyline was when the corruption the shield fought, succeeded in buying one of the shield members, Seth Rollins and made him betray his brothers in arms.

Every wrestling fan was shocked that night and Seth Rollins was tagged as The Judas of WWE.

4. The Undertaker.

The Undertaker

The story of a man who rose from the dead and remained unkillable. A man who became death itself and made everyone who came in his way, to Rest in Peace.

A man of few words but plenty actions. His entrance song alone sent chills down the spine of his opponents and audience.

In Wrestlemania, for over 20 years, he remained undefeated and never lost a match. Many notable wrestlers challenged him and everyone failed.

You can’t kill what’s already dead.

5. The Beast Incarnate; Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar

The one who defeated The Undertaker and ended his Wrestlemania streak. He wrecked havoc wherever he went and destroyed anything and anyone in his path.

He took every wrestler he faced, to Suplex City and whenever Brock takes you to Suplex City, you do not make it out with a win.

6. This is the most recent storyline that peaked. THE BLOODLINE.

Roman Reigns and the rest of his family, all fighting for who should be the head of the table, who should be the one true tribal chief.
This has went on for years and is still an amazing storytelling.