Amarachi Reginald And Hilda Baci


The cautionary tale that is Amarachi “Ama” Reginald

Some time around October 2023, rumours started circulating that the friendship between Oluomachi Onuzurike of BO Hairs and former Guinness World Record holder, chef Hilda Baci, had gone sour, and it was due to a fight they had had over a man.

Prior to the breakout of this rumour, in May of that same 2023, Hilda had broken the Guinnness World Record for the longest cookathon and BO wasn’t as present as it was expected of a close friend during the four-day challenge.

Later in October, when the rumour broke out, that’s when BO took to Instagram live to clear the air, especially since it was an offensive rumour that could have done a lot of harm to her brand and personal life. BO was married with a child.

During the live, BO explained the reasons her friendship with Hilda had gone sour and name-dropped Ama Reginald as the mastermind behind the fallout.

According to BO, she and Hilda had been close friends for years until Ama came along. Interestingly, Ama would court BO aggressively for friendship by following a tactic that a lot of women are familiar with.

She started by famzing BO by patronising her business, then moved on to buying her presents, and finally won her over with personal favours like accepting to babysit BO’s child whenever she travelled.

However, unbeknownst to BO, she was nothing but a stepping stone for Ama to truly get what she wanted and that was becoming friends with Hilda.

As soon as Ama was able to win Hilda’s trust, she immediately took over as her best friend and started practicing aggressive PDA in BO’s face.

BO expressed her displeasure to Hilda and even mentioned that Ama’s motives weren’t pure but Hilda felt like BO was being jealous and controlling and eventually grew farther and farther from her.

During this period, BO was pregnant with her second child and shortly after its birth, her mother passed away after a prolonged illness. She had reached out to Hilda for support but was met with no response.

In the end, BO accepted that the friendship was over and found the strength to move on and mourn her mother.

Karma seems to have remembered BO because in April 2024, Hilda and Ama unfollowed each other on Instagram and stopped hanging out together.
Once again, bloggers attributed the cause to a rife over a man; however, in the face of the recent events, it’s safe to assume that Hilda might have experienced a similar situation to what BO did the year before.

And the reason I say so is because just last week, Ama trended again for being the mastermind behind yet another celebrity drama. This time around, it was a business agreement gone wrong between artist, Burna Boy, and socialite Sophia Egbueje.

The whole drama started with a leaked recording of a call between Sophia and another lady who describes herself as Sophia’s sister.

In the call, Sophia was narrating how Ama had pressured her to give Burna Boy a chance, he had promised to take care of her and buy her the luxury car she had wanted to buy for herself, and later reneged after getting what he wanted.

Sophia’s grouse was how Ama feigned ignorance of the betrayal and continued to hang out with Burna and even got her sister the contract to organise the welcome party for Burna’s new girlfriend, Chloe, an American singer and sister to the Disney princess, Halle Bailey.

Sophia couldn’t understand why Ama would play in her face like that since the latter had courted her for a long time before she accepted her into her circle.

It was at this point that BO chipped in on a live video and explained that this was Ama’s modus operandi and Ama had done with Sophia exactly the same thing she had done with her.

She famzed Sophia.
She bought her presents.
She did personal favours.
And after she had obtained what she wanted (according to BO, Ama wanted to know why men were willing to go to great lengths to be close to Sophia), she began the discard process.

BO narrated that Ama would rent a shortlet in the same building where Sophia bought her apartment, shoot a video of herself at the location, and post it on Snapchat for Sophia to see. Her goal was to let Sophia know that she wasn’t that special and her doings were not unattainable.

BO also reiterated what Sophia had said during the call: just like with BO and Hilda, Ama was a small fish next to her.
After all, Ama dates the assistant to the artist.
She dates the artists.
In fact, she doesn’t even date artists because they talk too much and are too loud.

Today, that friendship too is gone and defunct and in all the three instances I presented in this article, Ama is the common denominator.

When I first heard of Ama’s involvement in the drama between Sophia and Burna, I wasn’t surprised at all.
I knew the story with BO and her subsequent fallout with Hilda, so it just made sense that she would be the kind of friend to choose Burna over Sophia. She’s a social climber.

Sophia isn’t a social media person. I had never heard of her until this whole drama happened. Her relevance is obviously tied to the real world.

Ama is a social media person. Her relevance began with social media and she needs social media to maintain and grow that relevance. And she won’t trade the opportunity to appear on blogs next to Burna boy and Chloe for loyalty towards a person who’s never in the news.

Sophia is who she is but she cannot be consumed for fame as she’s the type that moves in silence.

(After this drama about her Lamborghini, I bet we’ll never hear from her again)

And this is why I say Ama should serve as a cautionary tale.

We are familiar with this three-phase tactic (love bombing, withdrawal, and discard) as it pertains to romantic relationships, but we still struggle to recognise it inside platonic relationships.

There are people out there who want to be friends with us because of what they can get from us and once they’re done, they’ll dump us and move on to the next person.
It’s nothing personal and it’s ever nothing personal to them.

And you too should know this so you don’t beat yourself up thinking that you must have done something wrong.

BO didn’t offend Ama.
Sophia didn’t offend Ama.
And maybe if Hilda decides to tell her story one day, we’ll find out that she too didn’t offend Ama.

All of them were just stepping stones with an expiration date.

And as for Ama, we just have to wait and see whom she will be stepping on next to hit that one million followers on Instagram.

©️Mavis IshanQueen


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