With What Happened To Nedu, Celebrities Will No Longer Trust VDM With Their Secrets


Cup of Coffee ☕️

The morning after.

With what has happened and the fall of Nedu, every celebrity in Nigeria will be wary of VDM . They will never tell him any secret again. He has officially closed that door and burned the bridges to the inner workings of Bongo celebrities. They’ll henceforth, only dine with him but at arms length. That saying ” if you want to eat with the d£vil use a very long spoon” will come to play here. I am not saying VDM is a d£vil , but just using that ‘saying’ as an ALLEGORY in this matter.

Now, it will become a lonely road for VDM to walk . He has broken the ‘bro – code’ . So many of these celebrities have d!rty secrets that they would not want anyone like VDM to be privy to. Yes, they may work with him, but they will never take him close.

He has won Nedu and taken a toll on the man’s reputation and remove some ‘chop’ from his mouth and dimmed his brand that would take him many years to get back, but also, he has injured his own reputation ( a man who can’t keep secrets ). The first rule of friendship to the high and mighty is someone who can keep secrets no matter the circumstances because secrets to them mean wealth.

VDM somehow keeps burning bridges that may take him across the stormy weather someday in the future for a quick win today. Tomorrow shall tell which side of the coins will keep him floating till the end. No one knows because no one is the creator of one’s destiny. It may very well be his launch pad to more greatness or his Archilles hills to doom. No one knows – only times shall tell.

Tino ✍️


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